Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Dear Rattlers have you ever wondered was causes Paltalk's imposture 'extraordinarie' Lord Merciless Voo to exhibit irrational and unbalanced behaviour of the kind we witnessed this week? He vacillated from condemning Barack Obama one day for addressing AIPAC, to a position where Palestine wouldn't be suffering like they do if not for Hamas?

"It is all Hamas's fault! GO ISREAL!" he screamed not 24 hours after wanting to have Obama hog tied for upsetting the Independents by kissing AIPAC arse as he put it.

The answer is simple really, this man is barking mad, which would be all fine and dandy if he didn't prey on vulnerable women and leave at least 2 that I know almost suicidal.

For those Rattlers with an eye for detail you will have picked up me referring to Lord Voo, as Lord Merciless Voo, and I do this for a reason. Not only is Lord Merciless Voo not a Lawyer, which many of you have already worked out, he is a cruel cyber predator.

Let me share a sad story with you which may help some other poor hapless and vulnerable woman to avoid his, shall we say allure, in the future.

Now this story is not second hand gossip, I was close to the person this happened to and spent hours of my time talking her back from the edge when her world seemed to fall apart.

As you know Rattlers there a many lonely men and women on these chat programs and even more monsters willing to take advantage of them for nothing more than an act of cruelty.

The woman in questioned IM'd me one night to tell me she was "in love with Voo." Hold on a moment "Voo is a chat room nic" I said.

"Yes, he is being very guarded, but I know how he feels about me" she purred.

"Do you know his real name? Have you even seen a photograph, or spoke live on cam with Voo?" I asked, astounded that this seemingly intelligent woman was telling me she had fallen in love with a chat room persona who was being so guarded he didn't share any of his personal details with her.

A few days later....

"I am going to leave my husband, I have been unhappy for a long time," she said, trying her best to convince me that she was not doing this on the flimsy evidence before me.

Sad story cut to the chase....

The woman in question, found a new apartment, purchased new furniture, and of course splurged on some very pretty new underwear, which she said made Lord Voo giggle like a school boy. One night her partner of 14 years came home from work and found her with her bags in the hall ready to leave. She moved into her love nest and waited with pounding heart for Lord Voo to fly into her arms for the much anticipated passionate embrace. He had told her he was "big" He also told his victim that she had to prove this was what she wanted by leaving her husband first, that then and only then would he trust her with his person information, like a name! She was still calling him Voo.

She waited and waited. He did not return her calls and went AWOL from Paltalk. She was beside herself. Heartbroken and thoroughly humiliated. But such is the power of cyber fantasy she "still loved him". Aunty Kate took a cyber whip to her dumb arse and tried to get her to wake up and smell the coffee. She finally made contact with Lord Voo and he was dismissive of her distress.

"I think you need to be on your own for a while to be sure this is what you want." He said.

Still no name, no photograph, no sweet words of reassurance.

After a few weeks of crying her self to the point of exhaustion she saw the light. She realized what a great guy she had left sobbing in the hallway and this is a big cold world out there for a woman who has had a hunky man around to protect her for 14 years. Her husband took her back.

When I spoke to her a few weeks later she was still talking about Voo, "I still love him" she said speculating on the what if's. She could not see that the only 'what if' here was, what if, Lord Voo had been a TOTAL monster and let her husband know what she had done. After all Lord Voo had been cunning enough to get her home phone number which he used to call his victim many times. The phone is so much more intimate, after all. She can be grateful his game is only to hurt the women he targets. I felt very sorry for this woman, but distanced myself from her on the belief that she is a total flake.

Lord Voo has been very nervous that I might blow the whistle on him for this, and another incident concerning his proposed radio chat room where his bullshit of being a Lawyer was blown wide open. He tried several attempts to banish me from his room, and his rule of no BANS stuffed him somewhat. His dirty little secret was safe with me, as I also blamed the woman in question also for being so stupid.

However, all that changed this week when Lord Merciless Voo tried to flex his cyber muscle in the hope of leaving me bleeding in the hall as we all saw he did to Vixee. I did try to warn Lord Voo in text that I am not Vixee, and he would need to come up to meet me in a fight because I was not going down into the gutter with him.

"You can't do drama with me! You don't run shit around here, get out!" he screamed.

He launched into his usual blustering tired old tirade. I mean there are only so many times one can call people a "Mother fucking cock sucking, dripping pussy whore," before it becomes comedic.

Never being one to run to or from a fight, I raised my hand to speak, taking the fight right up too Lord Voo. Isabellah was cautioning from the sidelines "Careful Kate" Isabellah was told to line up behind Lord Voo and I would give he a serve after I was done with him.

Lord Voo was shitting his pants about now "You stay on topic you whore!" He screamed. "You can't do drama with me you wrinkly old dripping pussy fake black woman"

"Voo did you learn to present arguments like that in law school?"
I teased as I waited for the mic.

Rattlers as you know Lord Voo expects his Admins to take ALL kinds of vile abuse without losing control and using the RED DOT. Lord Voo was going to be sorely tested here and he knew it.
My turn came to take the mic and I got no more than half a sentence out and I was red dotted.

"Stay on topic bitch!
" he screamed.

The speaker before me was Paleoconservative, and before him Medgar Evers AKA Moderate Conservative, the most vile pig ever to draw a hogs breath.

Lord Voo lost badly, and he is too stupid to see it. Poor sad man he is the laughing stock or Paltalk.

For those who think this post is lies and bullshit and created to show Lord Voo in a bad light, I challenge Lord Voo to face off with me anywhere anytime and we'll see who if lying.

This week I have had another former female victim of Lord Voo's tell me a similar story. But this woman was not so gullible as the woman mentioned above. She insisted on having his name, with which she did a search of the Bar Register of Lawyers, available to anyone if they have a name. He was not listed. She ended the relationship with a hard lesson learned.

Lord Merciful Voo is a vile cyber predator, he uses people when it suits him to do so, and hurts women for sport. When he gets close to being exposed, he hits self-destruct, and tries to crush anyone who can out him. Poor Lord Merciful Voo picked a fight with the wrong person this time. From a young woman, I have been fighting men who make Lord Voo look like the cockroach he is and left them flat out on the floor. Vermin I can squash under foot, and you are vermin Lord Merciless Voo.